Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Take a while to get back to you

I'm away at the moment, on the other side of the world.  It's been a while since I've had a holiday and this one is being really fab already.  It's actually a bit of a cheat's holiday as my other half is on business here and I'm tagging along.  A positive for me is that this is one of the few ways that we get to do this sort of trip.  We earn about the same amount but unlike him, I don't have a (nearly) ex wife and three kids so our disposable income couldn't be more different, with me saving lots because I've never lived up to my means and him trying to come out with less outgoings than income each month and not always succeeding.  And of course, as he's a "man" (said whilst beating the chest), he's doesn't accept the argument that I could pay for both of us.  He doesn't accept the argument that a holiday is worth lots and lots to me, such that I'd be happy to pay for it twice over.  We NEVER argue, in a healthy but pretty sickening manner it has to be said, but one day we really will row about this one.

The downside about this way of travelling is that I have to be corporate wife.  It's not really corporate wife as he's an academic but I feel I know how these poor women feel.  I can't decide what's worse as you either end up talking to the people who want to tell you about their work in great detail or you get ignored (to the point of people turning their back on you and not talking to you) because it's assumed you don't have a PhD and therefore can't have a brain in your head.  Some people are truly lovely about it all but some are really horrid.  There was a drinks "do" last night and I suffered somewhat there but there were also some really lovely people who were nice to talk to.

This morning (after the alarm goes off in two hours time, damn you jetlag) I'm get to go off and see a beautiful area of the country whilst the workers work.  Very much looking forward to it - yay for holidays!!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Hello Blog!

So here's the thing .....  I've been reading a couple of blogs for quite some time.  It started when I was looking for weight-loss stories and inspiration, but I got hooked.  I got hooked on the stories of other people's lives.  I hope in a genuine way and not with voyeuristic glee at how things were going, or not going, for other people.  And I love it.  I feel like I know these people and feel like I have been I've been through their ups and downs with them. 

So I thought it should be my go.  I mean, I've been being quite selfish for quite a while, reading but not participating.  And I've got lots of things I mull over in my head so why not put my thoughts out here for everyone else to see and comment on!  Why not indeed.

So hello blogsphere.  Please be nice to me!