It's been ages, I again curse that I can't write posts on my phone. I can read blogs and I can write the TITLE of a post, but not the text. Why??
We had a couple of days in the Lake District just before Easter. It was my first visit to the Lakes - my excuse had always been that it was such a long way away. It is still such a long way away but it was really beautiful. We had all the seasons in a week, as the cliches claim is possible, with glorious sunshine, rain and snow all in the space of a few days. We were on a photography workshop - I'd bought as a present for my very nice man (birthday and Christmas and should probably have been another event too as it wasn't cheap!) but it great for him and I found it fun too and managed to learn some stuff which was good. However, my camera did die on the last day (screen on the back, which means I've lost most of the menus as well as the playback) and I've had a quote back for over £180 to fix it which is painful but necessary because I can't do without it. Ouch ouch ouch.
It was, however, another holiday when we brought the divorce baggage. His ex rang whilst away insisting that he agreed to giving her a pretty outrageous amount of money on top of everything else (the house, child support and most other things), and wanted a decision in a very short space of time. He's not been well and the doctor said it seems like stress - pushing up his blood pressure, he's had viruses that he can't shake and sleeps badly. It's so horrible to watch. This still hasn't been resolved yet, and the saga continues. He wants it's over. And so do I. Why does she have to be so spiteful?
It was nice to have time off generally. Things have been so busy this year and have been so busy since I started my new job. It's all got a feeling of "new" about it. I don't understand a lot about the place because despite it still being the Civil Service, this department is very different and has lots of different procedures and a very different culture - but that's ok because a change is as good as a rest and I'm still feeling like an outside observer. There will reach a point when it really annoys me, but by then I'll be at the end of my loan (in 2 years) and I'll move away. The team seem good and I have good colleagues. That's all great. But I'm back doing five days a week and just one week of it (because the first week was just after Easter bank holiday), I'm shattered!!
Things to look forward to - there's a good amount of stuff going on. There are holidays to look forward to later on in the year, a couple of weekends to see amateur theatre stuff, we had a really good fun night out for a quiz two weeks ago and our team came second, time to catch up with friends over dinner and coffees and much more. But we just need to get past the d-word (there's a Tammy Wynette song going around in my head a lot).