Sunday, 23 December 2012

Stolen quiz

I stole this from Lesley (and I'd link to her if I had the capability!)  I had to think about this far more than it might seem.  It's been a great, if not sometimes a bit of a mad, year.  I'm looking forward to the rest of the holiday season, it's been a busy year and it's nice to have the time to just sit and reflect.

1. What was your greatest personal accomplishment in 2012? 
I feel really good about myself and my life at the end of 2012.  I feel happy, I feel healthy, I enjoy my work and I like being me.  There are things I want to change, of course, I mean who's ever truly, truly content!  But I don't feel unhappy about the fundamental things that make me "me".

2. What’s the best thing your did for your health? 
Um, possibly went on holiday a couple of times and had a break.  

3. Share one thing that caused a significant change in your life this year.
Moving house, very quickly and somewhat unexpectedly (in that, I was involved in the whole thing of course, but I didn't think that we would do it all so quickly).

4. List a few things that you experienced for the first time at some point over the last twelve months
Long-haul travel with my very nice man.  He loved being there, but didn't like getting there.  

5. What was the coolest place you visited? 
El Sunzal in El Salvador

6. If you could change one thing about the last year what would it be? 
I wish that my very nice man hadn't got stressed about stuff - mainly the big D word and his kids (who alternate between being fantastic and complete s**ts!)

7. What is the best meal you ate this year?
Nothing stands out for being a really excellent meal.  But I'm going to a friends on Christmas Eve for tamales and expect that to be fab because she's a wonderful cook.

8. Tell us about a new friend you made. 
I don't think I've made new friends, but I've got a lot closer to some friends who I'd have previously called "acquaintances".  I've had some nice times with friends and long may that continue.

9. What did you hope to accomplish this year that you did not? 
I want to be tidier and better organised and I'd like my photos to be in albums (the rest of them, I've done a few) but am generally happy with where I ended up.

10. Share something you learned in 2012.  
You can't do things for other people.  In that, you can of course help other people and be nice to them.  But you can't do things for other people.  You can try to help them see and understand things but you can't do it for them.

11. Share an odd and unexpected thing that you experienced this year. 
I need to do some more thinking on this one!

12. How do you think 2013 will differ from 2012? 
2013 will just continue to get better and better.  I'm more content than I've been for a long time and I just want to keep feeling this way.  And why wouldn't I?