Tuesday, 18 June 2013

How is it only Tuesday??

I'm suffering from long days and weeks but at the same time, my life flying by so quickly. My very lovely man and I looked at each other at the weekend and said "how is it June already", but apparently it is. There are some long days in the office, but that's ok cos there are only some and I'm loving the job still. There are evenings with lots of stuff but that's also ok cos I enjoy things I do and I've made some careful choices so I am doing things where I'm treated properly and doing things I'm enjoying. (In that, sometimes as a volunteer, you can be taken advantage of in a way you wouldn't put up with at work.)

But the year is hurtling by. There are still diary clashes and confusions which mean his ex and the kids still manage to screw up our lives but as I'm being a bit more in control of what I do, the direct impact on me is less. Selfish maybe but a necessary survival technique.  I've also met some new friends and got closer to some friends who were previously probably just acquaintences. That feels nice, meeting new people is less frequent as a "grown up".

I want to make some plans. Including Christmas, we are hoping to go to New Zealand in January. That'll be wonderful. But even doing that just takes more time.

So if I could have a few extra hours in the days, occasionally for sleeping not doing anything else. That'd be nice. Pretty please. !!