Sunday, 3 July 2011

Drunken women

So the first problem with this blog is that my HTC doesn't let me write text in the box, only give a title.  Must work on that one.

On Friday I went to a dinner as part of the "playing corporate wife" bit of this trip (I'm not actually anyone's wife, but playing corporate girlfriend doesn't have the same ring to it).  It was mostly good, slightly weird but mostly good.  There are some people who rate your worth but visible characteristics - at an academic conference, some guys think that you're not at all worthwhile if you don't have a PhD.   And others don't want to speak to you if you can't be used as a step up for their career.  And I'm used to all of that, I don't like it but I'm certainly now able to ignore it - people who don't want to speak to me really don't interest me.

But what I really didn't get at this event, and it's the first time I've witnessed it, is that there were a number of younger women (late 20s, early 30s) who are bright and not just there as the "plus one" - some who work at well-renowned universities, some with PhDs or studying for them - who needed to prove their worth by hanging on the words, and arms, of the most influential men.  There was an incredible amount of eye-lash fluttering, giggling, flicking of hair ..... and as the evening went on, there were some drunken women throwing themselves at guys who, frankly, in ordinary society are the academic nerds and are not going to turn down the attentions of females, particularly young attractive ones.

But WHY, I found myself wondering.  I work in a totally different sphere, the public sector, but still find myself in the middle of conversations when I'm assumed to be stupid because I am young (well, now I have to say "younger" as I go through my 30s) and female.  I quite enjoy wiping the floor with these ignorant men during meetings or conversations and that's how I assert my worth in a work context.  Fortunately, there aren't that many woman who try to play on their femininity to get things done and that is good for all of us.  Because what I really didn't understand was that these women were setting their own cause - and those of all females in all fields back decades.  These men were learning that they could chose who was academically useful based on who flattered them the most and was (possibly, I wasn't there at the end of the evening) willing to sleep with them ..... or at least might sleep with them at some point in the future.  And this was seen as right.

I can't conclude anything from this because I'm still confused by it all.  But can suggest that these women need to look in the mirror, develop some self esteem and simply grow up!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see a new blogger starting out, and one with something to say for herself too!

    The corporate wifey thing sound quite fun....couldn't you really play up to it...put on a dimbo voice and pretend not to know your arse from your elbow??

    Seriously though, feminism seems to have gone backwards for the younger generation. I'm 41 and I look at some women in their 20's and think they don't seem to value the opportunities and assumptions of equality which have come so easily to them. Having said that, my neices wouldn't be seen dead flicking their hair at some nerdy geek so they're not all bimbettes.

    Have a great holiday. May it be the first of many. I have a similar issue in my my OH earns less than me and has debts from a previous relationship so holidays are tricky. He doesn't seem to have an extreme case of the male pride thing but it is a delicate balancing act. I think as long as they pay something (whatever they can afford) towards a holiday then it makes no odds. After all, weren't we talking about equality a minute ago - most women wouldn't bat an eye at having holidays paid for...

    Oooh, the other thing we have done which helps is to save £2 coins towards our holiday spending money fund. It's surprising how quickly it builds up - £350 since September. and that way it feels like a joint venture even if you put more in than him. Having said that - I can't afford a foreign holiday this year...sniff...

    Speak soon hopefully.

    Lesley xx
