Sunday, 25 September 2011

Long week!

I'm sitting in bed on Sunday morning, having watched the Andrew Marr programme and am willing myself to get up and get on with all the stuff I need to do.  I can see the blue sky through the opening in the curtains and that's a nice thought as we're having a street party today.  The street party is a mix of fun and hard work - I don't know my neighbours as well as I'd like and a get together gives an opportunity to do so, but when you don't know people as well, the socialising is a little harder.  But I have very nice neighbours and it's worth doing.

The week has been very hectic, although I'm not really sure why.  My very nice man had been working away last week - Singapore which is a 7 hour time difference and a real killer because you struggle to speak because either I had to stay up until midnight to catch him when he was getting up or he had to stay up even later to catch me when I got in from work.  But hey, it was only a week.  I saw him on Monday and Tuesday, had a friend over for dinner on Tuesday, went to his parents for dinner on Thursday and caught up with a friend on Friday (when I don't work because I do long days on Mon-Thu to get all my hours in on those days instead).  And then yesterday I went to a friend's son's birthday party and to see a band play.  And now it's Sunday and October is only around the corner next week!

Wednesday was lovely.  The friend over for dinner was someone I've known for about 10 years and we have alternated as being closest friends and barely seeing each other.  He set off round the world last year and ended up stopping in Australia, partly because as a teacher, he could get a working visa.  I hate the cliches about "finding yourself" but he's really done that whilst he's been away - in particular, come to terms with some stuff about himself which has done him the world of good, and also has explained SO many things about life in the past.  We met up when I was in Australia and had a really, really good heart-to-heart, confronted each other about stuff and worked out how we were going to be friends.  And it seems to be working.  He was passing through for two weeks and we only caught up twice, once in passing and once just the two of us, and it's all working well.  I'm loving it.  And hoping it'll last, no reason to believe otherwise yet.

I am having trouble with another friend at the moment.  I'm not the only one and I'm not sure why.  He seems to be quite absent, hard to get in touch with (unless he needs to speak to you and then is very persistent), doing the bare minimum to get things done for a group of us ..... and the big part is that this isn't what he's usually like.  Well I say usually, but this has gone for a good couple of months (actually thinking about it, since the turn of the year, which is nearer ten months, I realise now).  He doesn't do confrontation - I've observed previously how he's not said things to people rather than possibly cause upset, which of course in the long run causes more upset.  It is driving me crazy.  I've asked a few times if there's anything going on that means he can't do x, y or z that we're trying to get sorted out.  And he's not answered. 

Yesterday I had a chat with another friend who's suffering in the same way with him.  We've done that quite a bit recently.  I'm trying to work out the next step.  I will say something but it has to be at the right time so as not to be confrontational etc.  ButI want to get past this, it's irritating to start with!!

Anyhow, today is running away from me, I should get up and at it.

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