I'm sitting in the back garden, in the shade, and marvelling that it's March and we're able to do this. I'm really realy hoping that this doesn't jinx all good weather for the rest of the year. Particularly because I've agreed to go to Cornwall for a week in July which can either be fantastic or dull if the weather isn't the best. Fortunately it's to stay with a friend but still, I want sunshine for that week too.
I'm having a week at home because when I start my new job - despite transferring from one department to another - my leave is going to be messed up. I have to move to the new leave year there which leaves me with holiday to use up before I start but then not enough to last for the rest of this (calendar) year because I have plans for holidays later on in the year and when you take these into account, I have 1 day to cover all eventualities between start day and 31 December - including anything other than bank holidays over Christmas. Maybe it is my own fault for having too many holiday plans but it's not excessive - just two 2-week trips - nor does it involve carrying days over at all.
I'm very much enjoying my inflicted week off now. WIth this beautiful weather, I could very easily not do everything that I want to do, which includes some much needed spring cleaning. I've cleaned and tidied the living room today, which is a start. I just need to keep going in the same vein. I almost brought my hammock out into the garden today but I realised that that would be fatal in terms of getting things done, so am saving that for later on in the week, as apparently it's going to be nice for days to come.
The last few weeks have been hectic, trying to finish off work in the current post, and also playing the piano for a pantomime locally. Yes, we are a little behind the times, with most pantomimes finishing off at Christmas time. A local drama group writes its own scripts and has a very loyal following from the local community and it's really fun to be involved with. The group are very grateful for my help - which is minimal, as I pop up once a week and knock a few keys and help them to sing vaguely in time and in tune. It's nice to be liked and respected by them but mostly, it is all very good fun, with everyone pulling together and enjoying themselves at the same time.
Divorce trundles along slowly. Latest joke is that she's said she needs some additional financial help in the short term until she can pick up more hours in work which have been promised in a few months time - sounds almost reasonable until you realise that she's just booked a holiday to Turkey for her and two of the kids in the summer. Because that's an essential!! (Grumble, grumble). Just keeping my cool and hoping that it truly won't last too much longer.
I'm so jealous of your week off!! I'm working from home today so about to head off up a big hill with the dogs for my lunchtime walk but then it'll be back to the grindstone!!
ReplyDeleteHave a good week and all the best for your new position.
Lesley xx