Sunday, 27 May 2012

How is life so tiring?

It's been ages between postings again and it's hard to say why.  I'm so so tired all the time at the moment, not because I'm not sleeping and not really because I'm doing excessive amounts.  It's not just me, my very nice man is suffering much more - his we can definitely put down to stress.  D-word continues to be a pain and then some.  And also the messing things around.  From nowhere a text yesterday saying she'd forgotten that 12 yr old son is away on an activity next Sunday (his weekend at his dad's) so he'll need to be brought home un-Godly early on Sunday morning.  Oh but he can come over on Friday night - but after lots of problems with Friday night and Saturday morning activities, weekends have been changed to run Sat - Mon rather than Fri - Sun ....... but that's got to change again.  Hopefully he's going to put his foot down, I do wish he would because he gets walked all over.  But his logic is that she'll take it out on the kids if she's angry (not physically I hasten to add, just being in a bad mood) and she'll also bad mouth him again - all of which is probably true but so not fair.

So that's a first para and a half - maybe I'm a bit more stressed with it all than I think I am.  There are lots of nice things going on too.  The new job is going well, I'm enjoying it and those above are pleased with what I'm doing so that's all good.  The nice weather always makes the world feel better.  I do get overheated quite easily but I'd still rather than the sun were shining than a cooler rainy day.  This weekend we went to see some friends who are getting married in a couple of months and my v nice man is taking the photos.  So we went to the venue to get some ideas.  He's a bit worried about this being his first wedding shoot (he's taken lots of good photos at weddings but he's never been in charge before and he's worried about not getting a good set of photos - which is just silly because he takes excellent photos and it'll be great).  I booked train tickets to go to the Edinburgh festival in August.  It was an extra £30 to go First Class but I've decided that I deserve it (I'm staying with a friend so it's not like there are high accommodation costs).  We're also planning to go to Paris for a weekend - my very sweet team gave me a voucher for the Eurostar for my leaving present so we're going exploit it.  I've been to Paris twice - although we don't really count the first time, end of Inter Railing trip so it was August Bank Holiday weekend which was not a good start but we also saw our visit coincide with the Pope and it meant there were an extra half a million people at a Catholic Youth Convention as well as those who'd come to see him!  The second time was really nice when I met a friend who was working in Brussels there and I'm hoping for a similar feel.  We've found a weekend in September so fingers crossed for nice weather and not too many people.  

But before that, it feels like I need to get my hammock out again and enjoy evenings in it in the garden - I know life's too short to get stressed so I need to behave like that too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah. I've just realised that I didn't pop in to say hi on this post although I read it ages ago - I was on holiday at the time. So I hope you've got over your tiredness now and that the Big D is not causing too much upheaval. It would be nice if we still had the weather you were talking about back in May but no such luck.

    Hope you'll get back to blogging soon as I always find your posts interesting and entertaining.

    Lesley x
