Thursday, 24 January 2013

Mrs Grumpy Pants

I've been having a bit of a run of it.  There's something about the weather, something about the time of year, and something about what feels like everything conspiring against me.

So to get it down in the hope of getting it out of my system and starting at the end: my car has a crack in the windscreen, which developed from a small chip which was so small I'd forgotten about it so I'm kicking myself but it's really annoying; the windscreen therefore needs replacing (with £75 excess) which they can do after 1pm tomorrow, meaning I'm going into London for a 9.30am meeting, coming back at 11am and then working from home for some of the day; I've still got the cold that left me house-ridden for a week after Christmas (I now share an office in the interests of space saving and I didn't want to inflect my staff); the i-pad (his i-pad) and my phone don't let me update my blog so I'm not getting stuff down as often as I'd like; and I'm really, really struggling with the house-sharing thing at the moment.

I think all of the above is making me grumpy but it's the latter than is really killing me.  We hosted the 18th birthday party for v nice man's eldest who lives with us - which in the grand scheme of went very well, she wanted her dad's band to play in the front room so we were allowed to be there, which kept my mind at rest.  Just two lots of vomitting on the floor (both on tiles so easy to clean), a couple of spilled drinks (again in areas easy to clean) and one couple we threw out of a spare bedroom for ....... well you can guess (they were relatively respectable at the time).  But it took ages to prepare for, putting away breakables and the nice alcohol (my malt whisky, nice red wine) and even longer to clear up from.  But hey, they are only 18 once right and her mum had been flaky as usual and she'll appreciate what you do right ......

So last week she says to her dad that she's feeling a bit unhappy at home because she feels she's getting nagged all the time to do things.  [Please note, she told us originally that she doesn't notice stuff sometimes - which is v true - so we should ask for help if we want it.]  And we don't cook food she likes.  [This child doesn't like: raw peppers, potatoes in any form other than chips or mash, green beans, Thai curry - a new one, roast dinner.]  And she is feeling miserable. 

Me, I'm feeling something like the little red hen, as my dad would say to us occasionally when we were growing up.  Between my v nice man and I, we have strengths and weaknesses.  I freely admit that I am not tidy by nature.  I'm trying really hard to be because I like the house better when it's tidy but it does involve effort.  I'm good at keeping the place clean - even when my own house was messy, it was clean.  He's not so much with the cleannig but he will load the dishwasher every evening and tidy up and he's excellent about doing washing and even does my ironing (my v v small amount of ironing, I buy non-iron where I can).  So I can live with cleaning more because he does other things.  But the teenager does but does v little, bordering on nothing.  And I could live with occasionally prodding her to get things moving.  But now apparently that's taboo.

Actually that's an exaggeration.  This is not going to stay like that.  He has had a word with her already and will come down harder if needed because this one annoys him as much as me.  But today, right now, whilst I'm in my grumpy mood, I've just got home to plates on the side, dishwasher full after last night, shoes in the hallway (which are now on her bed, because that's where everything goes for her to deal with) and I'm looking forward to pasta for dinner which isn't my favourite but is just about all she'll eat. 

And breathe.  And it'll all be already soon.  But right now, Mrs Grumpy Pants is going to have a large glass of red and do things that I want to do......

1 comment:

  1. What a baptism of fire! An 18 year old lodger! Nightmare!

    But I'm glad that it sounds as though you and the lovely fella at least are onside. January sucks!! May as well get it over with. However, it'll February soon: you'll start noticing the longer evenings and the milder days and start to cheer up soon!!

    Lesley xx
